Monday, November 14, 2011

Quote of the day

Spend life with who makes you happy, not who youhave to impress.
Don't believe the guy who TELLS you that he loves you, Believe the guy who SHOWS you that he loves you.
So true...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Over & Over Again

Over and Over I gave him chances, but he never learns. I thought we were made for each other. I thought we understood each other... but apparently, not!

And for countless times I've HAD ENOUGH I'm desperately hoping that this one really is THE END.

Never should have given him those attentions where he obviously doesn't need it. He's totally better off without me. I was never part of his... At first, I thought I was... but on second thought (with those gestures and signs that indicates He no longer needed me or maybe have fallen for others... Nahh!!

More stories later on... Goodnite diary. Been so long since I've updated this blog, just when the time I really need someone to talk to, but I've no one that I dared to speak to regarding this. So, cheers to you Diary. :)